When you are desperate to quit smoking cigarettes, you will need as much help as possible to ensure your success, and an excellent place to start is visiting your doctor. You can tell them of your indentations to give up smoking, and they can go through the different Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) options you have available. They can let you know the pros and cons of each and help you select the one you think will be most beneficial for you. Below is some more information about using an NRT to quit smoking and some of the various options you have available.
Using An NRT To Quit Smoking
When using an NRT to help you stop smoking, you need to understand that it is not curing your nicotine addiction, and all it is doing is changing the delivery method for nicotine. Whatever NRT you decide to use, you will need to slowly reduce your nicotine consumption to ween yourself off your reliance on this highly addictive drug. Many NRTs are available in varying nicotine strengths, so you can alter your nicotine dose and slowly reduce your dependence on the nicotine; below are some NRTs you can consider using.
There are various types of vaping devices available, and you will need to select the best one for your needs to help you quit smoking. It may be beneficial to visit your local vaping store and speak to one of the sales advisors about the multiple options available. There is even more choice available when looking at the vape juice flavours, and you can get quality e-juice from Vapoholic.co.uk and other quality retailers. The vape juice is available in various nicotine strengths, from 0mg to 20mg+, so you can find the perfect dose for your needs.
Nicotine Patches
Nicotine patches are an excellent option you will want to consider, as they keep a constant level of nicotine in your system, so it helps with the cravings you get when you stop smoking cigarettes. You need one patch per day, and you can place it on any part of your body, but it is best to place it where there is large muscle mass. The patches are available in varying nicotine strengths and can be an excellent tool to help cure your nicotine addiction when used correctly.
Nicotine Gum
Another popular NRT you can consider trying to help you quit smoking is nicotine gum, and you can also use this while using other NRTs to help control your urges to smoke when you are struggling. When the urge to smoke is starting to occupy your mind, take out some nicotine gum and start chewing, and the feeling will soon disperse, allowing you to get on with what you were doing.
Nicotine Lozenges
You can also consider using nicotine lozenges to help control your urges to smoke; these are similar to hard-boiled sweets and are available in various flavours and nicotine strengths. When your cravings to smoke are getting stronger, put a nicotine lozenge in your mouth and start sucking it, and it will release nicotine into your system to help control your urges to smoke. Ensure you do not take too many, as they can cause an upset stomach and always discuss the potential side effects with your doctor before selecting your chosen NRT.